Friday, November 7, 2008

Caption and Individual Statement

As we know snakes and ladders is a game of obstacles and shortcuts. The aim of our game is to reach to the top first. Thanks to Jeffrey's suggestion we have divided the building into four themes, which mean four paths red for fire, blue for water and ice, green for foliage and yellow for electricity.

The paths are design according to these themes. Along these paths, there are obstacles such as flipping floors, falling ladders, spikes, hidden floors, etc and there are shortcuts such as moving floors, moving stairs that will take the player up to the top faster.

Due to time constraints some of our ideas were not implemented such as placing the bottom half of the building under sea level so that the game starts in the water, where the player will have to swim to find the way up.

Individual Statement

My responsibilities are adding movers and interpactors which include moving platforms, trap/falling platforms, moving in/out traps, opening of railings, falling ladders, spikes and moving statues. The interpactor is slightly different from the mover, the script in Kismet and Matinee animation has not been made. I simply selected the interpactor (platform or ladder), and added it as a new group in Matinee. I added and edited keyframes to create movement track for the animation. We added invisible trigger volumes onto the interpactors, as the player touches it; the object (door, railing, etc) opened and moved.

I have added cinematic sequences to the introduction of the game and the ending game. The introduction video introduces our four play starts (red, yellow, blue and green). The ending video celebrates the victory of the winner who reaches the top first.

Final UT3 Files and Final Demo

Demo File

Final UT3 File (Map and Packages)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Draft Map and Packages from UT3 for the Draft Demos

The map and packages used to create the draft demo can be found at the above URL.

Draft Demo

To find the folder with the demo files go to URL:

The URL above on file front contains all the 'cooked' files (found in the UTGame folder) for the Draft Demo showing particles, kismet and Matinee.

The demos are obviously found in the demo folder.

Jeff Aguas Particle Demo is called : Player-2008_11_07-11_39_54.demo

Rachel Mackenzie Kismet Demo is called: Player-2008_11_07-11_51_53.demo

Chivonda Lam Matinee Demo is called: Player-2008_11_07-11_57_50.demo

9 x Screenshots

9 Screenshots of game environment. And 3 screenshots of game construction.
The goal to reach the top.

Moving lifts, as indicated in the draft 30s video.
Players start from the bottom. Picking the lift to go onto.

Flipping of floor piece.

Floor piece moving.
Moving stairs.

Spinning floors.

Animating door.

Cinematic Sequences

Organise Kismet window.

Creating lift's track.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Draft - 30 second video clip

Our “ON3” team will base our game on Snakes and Ladders. The above video contain ideas that can be use in our game: the player moves up using the lifts and drops down if they are not careful. I’ll propose this to my team mates.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Game - Definition

Game is what entertain, possibly inform and educate the player and the viewer. Game require goal or target. The goal should be hard to achieve but not impossible.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Assignment 2 - Videos

Pan: Original Cactus Model

The plain simplicity of the model was perfect when captured using camera panning. The video acts as a subtle introduction to the bottom two videos.

Zoom: 43% Cut

Structure such as the lift shafts and floors are exposed and left behind (after the explosions) as it is the stronger part of the building. The exterior forces created shearing results. In this case there are 3 forces the two larger ones are the one on the top and the bottom of the building and a smaller one in the middle. Architecturally the structure is aesthetic as it responses to its environment, in this case external force. A similar example of this is the Rokko houses.

Rotate: 68% Cut

The structure represent internal and external explosions through its bulging and compacting at various places, the combine of these opposites form a beauty. Notice the three external explosions (the compacted part) are surrounded by the left over skin of the model; this represent surrounding impacts or in other word explosions. If we look closely at the two internal explosions parts of the core of the building such as the lift shafts still remain. Again the model is not literal representation of the explosions but simply a personal interpretation from EXP1 of the radial impact of internal and external explosions. When looking at the structure of this building it might have reminded us of Frank Gehry Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, and his idea of crushing a piece of paper to create a memorable symbolic form.
[Pan_sound track] Karsh Kale, 2001, "Distance", Album:Realize.
[Zoom_sound track] Ibid.
[Rotate_sound track] 7CHAKRAS,
Emustore:\Resources\samples\benv\multimedia\Sound Effects\themes&tunes, Access date: 12 June 2008.

Assignment 2 - Solidworks files

Cactus Model
Solidworks Original Cactus Model

43% Cut
Solidworks 43% Cut Model

68% Cut
Solidworks 68% Cut Model

Assignment 2 - 3dsMax Files

Orginal Cactus Model in Max
3ds Max Original Cactus Model

43% Cut in Max
3ds Max 43% Cut

68% Cut in Max

3ds Max 68% Cut

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Final Assignment 2 items

Final Cactus Model

Volume = 100461.64 cubic meters

Final Model: 43%

Volume = 100461.64 - (43/100 * 100461.64 )
= 57263.1348 cubic meters
Final Model: 68%

Volume = 100461.64 - (68/100 * 100461.64 )
= 32147.7248 cubic meters

Week 8 - More testing

Testing the different tools to create bulging and tightening.

Week 8 - Draft items

Draft Model: 43%

Draft Model: 68%

The above model is the 43% cut. This model attempt to represent exterior impact as recorded in the first experiment where the structure experienced sliding effects on the impact point. The 68% cut model represent the interior and exterior explosion characterized by the bulging and tightening of the model.

After discussing my idea with Russell, there was a need to do major alterations. The cuts I’ve used on the model are very set or regular there was a need to break away from this as explosions often create irregularities.

Week 7 – Playing around with Solidworks.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Week6 - Misinterpretation

Misinterpretation of the task to model the cactus building. However it was a good experiment with Solidworks.

Restart the cactus model.

Review Documentary Clip: You Shi David

The different scenes are very well organise and effective in communicating the hypothesis. Once again the synchronisation of the background music was in force.

Review Documentary Clip: Christopher Heard

The division of different scenes and placement of captions play an important role in explaining the hypothesis.

Review Documentary Clip: Derek Georgeson

The video is successful as it showed very well thought out experimentation. The process in which the documentation was recorded is interesting as it gives the viewer insight to how the scene was created. The synchronisation of the background music and the video is also important in conveying the message.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Week 4 - Independent Study_Approach to model "Cactus Model"

The approach that will be taken to model the cactus tower will be to start from the top-down. The void will be analysed so that cuts with the same depth can be drawn in one step. Extrusions and extrusion cuts will be used generally. Lofts, sweeps and set up of multiple planes might also be utilised.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Week 4 - Task For Today

Tutorial 1

In creating a symmetrical object, it is handy to set the model on a central point to base the modelling work, as this increase the accuracy of the model and make it efficient when modelling.

Tutorial 2

The organisation of the planes is a bit similar to that of Revit levels. This arrangement is useful in that it allow one to draw the outline of the plan on each plane then create the relationship from one plane to the next.

Tutorial 3

The third tutorial touch upon application of constraints on the model such as using equal tool to make two lines of equal length. These constraints can create a powerful parametric model if apply correctly.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Assignment 1 - Peers Feedback

[ Image 01] Reviewed by Rachel MacKenzie.

[Image 02] Reviewed by Jahan Faeghi

Assignment1 - Found Machinima

There are many types of explosion; however that is the discussion of the “what”, this analysis will be analysing the “where”. The point where the explosion strike is an important factor that contributes to the size of the impact. The video above is a collection of different points of impact: surrounding, external force and within. Elements and porosity reconfigured according to the different points of impact, it sometime: spread, forced and compacted.

Video Sourced from:
[1] Shurikenspyder 2007, Gmod Fun, Youtube, viewed 04 August 2008,
[2]Hypermant 2007, Machinima Test – Explosion, Youtube, viewed 30 July 2008,
[3]LinkGrayX2 2007, Halo 3 - Temptation on the beach, Youtube, viewed 13 August 2008,
[4]Suicidecrew 2007, Crysis - Last level and ending - SPOILER!!!!!!, Youtube, viewed 13 August 2008,
Edited by: Chivon LAM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Assignment1 - Custom Machinima

This experimentation analysed different points of impact and how the structure and its porosity respond to these impacts. The documentation is as follow:

Impact from within – the field of objects swell outward in radial direction. The foot of the structure where smaller objects are placed, swell the farthest.

Impact by external force – the force drives the field of objects forward.

Impact from surround the structure – the field of objects swell inward in radial direction.


Background song:
Karsh Kale, 2001, "One Step Beyond", Album:Realize.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Week 3 - Task for today:modes of documentary films

The film was composed with features of expository mode and poetic mode. The expository features were bought out through messages from the captions, in which helped to argue and portray the different points of impact in explosion and how this reconfigured the field of object.

The use of visual imageries, background sound and texts to convey the message of the experimentation, touch upon poetic mode. As the film is not in its original state but was edited in such ways as adding sound, cutting frames, adding effects, etc; to create a poetic scene that gives emphasise on the message of the film. As mentioned by Bill Nichols in his book entitle Introduction to Documentary, poetic mode “...bears a close proximity to experimental...filmmaking”[1], in this case the experimentation of explosion.

The benefit that could be gain from using expository mode is that it aims to not just inform a point but to argue an idea, which in most cases presents a stronger message. The benefit of poetic mode is that it adds flavor to documentary film through its poetic features which better engages the viewers.

[1] Bill Nichols, Introduction to Documentary (Indiana University Press, 2002), pp 33-34. Also available online at,M1.

Draft Assignment1 - Found Machinima

[Draft02] Found Machinima.



Sourced from:

Shurikenspyder 2007, Gmod Fun, Youtube, viewed 04 August 2008,
Hypermant 2007, Machinima Test – Explosion, Youtube, viewed 30 July 2008,
LinkGrayX2 2007, Halo 3 - Temptation on the beach, Youtube, viewed 13 August 2008,
Suicidecrew 2007, Crysis - Last level and ending - SPOILER!!!!!!, Youtube, viewed 13 August 2008,

Edited by: Chivon Lam

Draft Assignment1 - Custom Machinima

[Draft01] Custom Machinima

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Week 2 In Class work


Propose Hypothesis

It is believed that the foot is a strong hold to sustain most structures. The explosion on the foundation of the structure caused it to collapse. However if the explosion were to occur at the top, the experience would have been different.

Greater impact is created when the explosion target the core support of the structure. This will form part of Experiment 1, investigating different points of impact and the effect it generate on a structure.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Week 1 - Independent Study


[video 1]Shurikenspyder 2007, Gmod Fun, Youtube, viewed 04 August 2008,

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 1 task before class

Explosion is usually created when there is a mix of gas and fire. This video illustrated the idea of explosion within a container or space. As explosion creates force, it is interesting to see how the container or the space responded to this force.


[Video 1] Hypermant 2007, Machinima Test – Explosion, Youtube, viewed 30 July 2008,