Monday, September 22, 2008

Assignment 2 - Videos

Pan: Original Cactus Model

The plain simplicity of the model was perfect when captured using camera panning. The video acts as a subtle introduction to the bottom two videos.

Zoom: 43% Cut

Structure such as the lift shafts and floors are exposed and left behind (after the explosions) as it is the stronger part of the building. The exterior forces created shearing results. In this case there are 3 forces the two larger ones are the one on the top and the bottom of the building and a smaller one in the middle. Architecturally the structure is aesthetic as it responses to its environment, in this case external force. A similar example of this is the Rokko houses.

Rotate: 68% Cut

The structure represent internal and external explosions through its bulging and compacting at various places, the combine of these opposites form a beauty. Notice the three external explosions (the compacted part) are surrounded by the left over skin of the model; this represent surrounding impacts or in other word explosions. If we look closely at the two internal explosions parts of the core of the building such as the lift shafts still remain. Again the model is not literal representation of the explosions but simply a personal interpretation from EXP1 of the radial impact of internal and external explosions. When looking at the structure of this building it might have reminded us of Frank Gehry Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, and his idea of crushing a piece of paper to create a memorable symbolic form.
[Pan_sound track] Karsh Kale, 2001, "Distance", Album:Realize.
[Zoom_sound track] Ibid.
[Rotate_sound track] 7CHAKRAS,
Emustore:\Resources\samples\benv\multimedia\Sound Effects\themes&tunes, Access date: 12 June 2008.

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